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Cast: Lindsey Elisabeth Cork & Jocelyn Padilla
The Nature of the Flame follows two young women in a dream state of both mind and body.
"The Nature of the Flame" follows two women as they both share the same dream, it the dream the two meet in what can be heaven but I think everyone will take something different away from this drama from Writer/Director, Mike Messier.
The film is only seven minutes long so telling you what I took away from the film or talking more about the plot would not be fair and it would only cause spoilers which I do not want to do. I can you tell one of the first things I noticed about the film was how beautiful it was shot, the film's dream-like state sucks you in right from the start. You are immediately placed next to these two women and taken on their little journey, waiting and wanting to know more.
This is a gorgeous film with two stunning actresses in Lindsey Elisabeth Cork and Jocelyn Padilla. Both are extremely talented and very beautiful. "The Nature of the Flame" is an original film that grabs your attention right from the start, it is thought-provoking, imaginative and hypnotizing. This is a mesmerizing Short from a first class filmmaker.
Everything about the film is top notch, the cinematography is heaven and the film's score enhances each and every scene. This is an amazing piece of cinema that needs to be seen, you can follow the film's progress and find out when and where you can check it out by visiting the film's Facebook page HERE.
This is another example why Indie cinema is so awesome. The entire film and production reeks of brilliance so make sure you check out this gem.
Released by Rhode Island South Filmmakers Group
***** Out Of *****
The Nature of the Flame | Teaser from Collective Thought Media on Vimeo.