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Cast: Brandyn T. Williams, Bill Oberst Jr., Jessica Cameron, Devanny Pinn, Britt Griffith
Raphael, a young executive who is on the verge of losing a multimillion dollar architectural deal with a large distribution company lead by the awkward Stanford(s). Raphael suffers a sudden death in his family and has to immediately leave to go to the funeral in his home town of Metzburgh. Seeing this as his big chance to get ahead is Wayne, a jealous co-worker who is in competition with Raphael. As Raphael returns to Metzburgh, he experiences a life changing event: witnessing a Grim Reaper taking a soul. This sighting results in Raphael becoming a Reaper and having to explore his own conscience and the lengths he will go to get his own life back. But Death, has other plans for the naive young executive.

"A Grim Becoming" is a comedy/horror that delivers on lots of laughs and even a few creepy moments as well. The story is about, Raphael Stockford, who works the nine to five as an architectural executive. Raphael witnesses a reaping and as the story goes he must become the new Grim Reaper but there is one big problem, he doesn't have a bad bone in his body and he just is not cut out to take the job but his new boss, Death insists he must take it and learn quickly. When Raphael is called home to take care of his Nephew's funeral arrangement things begin to get a lot more crazy.
I could go on and on here about the plot but that would only ruin the fun for those waiting to see the film. Instead I will tell you that this is a clever, well-written and well acted comedy/horror with some of the most fun, most over the top characters you have ever seen. I was sold from the film's opening scene and I was entertained the entire time, one of the things I loved about the film was its ability to keep you off guard. Just when you think you have it all figured it a twist is tossed in, there are numerous twists and turns along the way which keeps the film engaging.
Besides the terrific writing, the great cast and the humor there was another thing that really stood out to me and that was the film's score. It was fantastic, it fit every scene perfectly and it was also very lively. And production wise I thought the film looked great, I also loved the practical effects used in the film, they fit the over the top story line perfectly.
I cannot finish off this review without mentioning what a great cast it has. Brandyn T. Williams gives a great performance as Raphael but he is not alone because the film also stars a who's who of Indie cinema including, Bill Oberst Jr., Jessica Cameron, Devanny Pinn and Britt Griffith to name only a few. Everyone in the film did a fantastic job playing their roles. I must also mention Co-writer/Director, Adam R. Steigert who did a great job putting it all together.

"A Grim Becoming" is an infectious comedy/horror that gets better as it moves along. It certainly ups the bar as far as the genre goes. Also, remember to hang around when the credits begin to roll for some more fun. This is one film you will be telling all your friends about.
I encourage everyone to check out the film's Facebook page HERE and it's Official site HERE to find out when and where you can check it out.
Released by DefTone Pictures Studios. **** Out Of *****